1. increase [ɪn'kriːs] v. /n.增加;增大;提高 


【前缀】in 在……里面 

【近】expand, enlarge, raise, boost, enhance 

【反】decrease, diminish 

【派生】increasingly ad.不断增加地 

【搭配】on the increase 在增加,increase to 增加到,increase by 增加了 

【例】We found out it could increase the risk of heart attacks. 我们发现它可能会增加心脏病的风险。(2006,Text 4)【多模块常考】 

2. claim [kleɪm] v.声称,断言;索取;夺走 n.宣称;索要;所有权 

【近】assert, announce, declare 

【反】disclaim, deny 

【同源】claimant n.索取者 proclaim v.宣称;表面 acclaim v.称赞 disclaim v.公开否认,拒绝承认 exclaim v.惊叫 

【例】Once a discovery claim becomes public, the discoverer receives intellectual credit. 一旦某项声明发现公开化,其发现者就会获得学术赞誉。(2012, Text 3)【阅读常考】 

3. account [əˈkaʊnt] n.账户;账目;描述;叙述;报告;解释,说明 

【派生】accountant n.会计;会计师 

【搭】account for(数量或比例上)占;解释;说明 on account of 由于;因为 take account of    sth./take sth. into account 考虑到;顾及 

【例】In March, for the first time, wind and solar power accounted for more than 10 percent of the  power generated in the US, reported the US Energy Information Administration. 据美国能源情报署报道,今年 3 月,风能和太阳能首次占到美国总发电量的 10%以上。(2018, 英二 Text 2)【多模块常考】 

4. impact [ˈɪmpækt] n.影响 v.影响,冲击  



【近】influence, affect, effect 

【搭】have an impact on sth.对……有影响 

【例】The reality is these things have very little lasting impact on our happiness levels. 事实上,这些东西很少会对我们的幸福感产生持久性的影响。(2016, 英二新题型)【多模块常考】 

5. conduct [kənˈdʌkt] v.组织,进行;指挥;带领;举止;传导 n.举止;管理;引导 



【近】behavior, manner 

【派生】conductor n.导体;售票员;领导者;管理人;指挥 

【例】A survey conducted for BuzzFeed News found 44 percent of Facebook users rarely or never trust news from the media giant. 为 BuzzFeed 新闻网站所做的一项调查发现,44%的脸书用户很少或从不相信来自该媒体巨头的新闻。(2018, Text 2)【阅读常考】 

6. define [dɪˈfaɪn] v.定义;使明确;规定 



【派生】redefine v.重新定义 definite a.一定的;确切的 definition n.定义;清晰度;解说 

【例】The concept of sustainable development has been defined as profitable. 可持续发展的概念被定义为“盈利”。(2016, Text 2)【多模块常考】 

7. available [əˈveɪləbl] a.可获得的;可购得的;可找到的;有空的 



【后缀】-able 形容词后缀 


【派生】availability n.可用性;有效性;实用性 

【易混】accessible a.易接近的;可进入的;可理解的 

【例】Today we live in a world where GPS systems, digital maps, and other navigation apps are all available on our smart phone. 今天我们生活的世界里,GPS 导航系统、数字地图和其他导航应用程序都可以在我们的智能手机上使用。(2019, 完形)【多模块常考】 

8. complex [ˈkɒmpleks] a.复杂的;合成的 



【近】complicated, intricate 


【派生】complexity n.复杂,复杂性;复杂错综的事物 

【例】There exists no language or dialect in the world that cannot convey complex ideas. 世界上没有一种语言或方言不能表达人们复杂的思想。(2005, Text 4)【多模块常考】 

9. rely [rɪˈlaɪ] v.依靠;信赖 


【近】trust, depend 

【派生】reliable a.可靠的;可信赖的 n.可靠的人 reliance n.信赖;信心;受信赖的人或物 

【搭】rely on 依赖,依靠 

【例】Most Americans rely on social media to check daily headlines. 大多数美国人依赖于社交媒体来查看每日新闻头条。(2018, Text 2)【阅读常考】  

10. reveal [rɪˈviːl] v.显示;透露;揭露;泄露 n.揭露;暴露;门侧,窗侧【前缀】re-相反 

【联】re-相反+veal(veil 面纱)→与盖面纱相反→不盖面纱→揭露 

【近】show, display, disclose 


【派生】revelation n.启示;揭露;出乎意料的事 

【例】Circumstances do not make a person, they reveal him. 环境并不造就人,而是使人得以彰显自我。(2011, 翻译)【多模块常考】 

  Day 2   

11. approach [əˈprəʊtʃ] n.方式,方法;接近 v.接近;着手处理,对付 



【近】way, method, manner, methodology, access 

【派生】approachable a.易理解的;可接近的 

【搭】take an approach 采取一种方法 

【例】Another approach to getting more done in less time is to rethink how you prioritize your day.另一种在较短时间内完成更多工作的方法是:重新思考如何按照主次顺序规划你的一天。(2018, 英二 Text 4)【阅读常考】 

12. indicate [ˈɪndɪkeɪt] v.表明;指出;预示;象征 



【后缀】-ate 动词后缀 

【近】display, demonstrate, show, present 

【派生】indicator n.指标,标志,迹象;指示器 indication n.指示,指出;迹象;象征 

【例】Our findings indicate that people do not only feel different when they are the centre of attention but that their brain reactions also differ. 我们的研究结果表明,当人们成为被关注的焦点时,他们不仅感觉不同,而且大脑反应也不同。(2020, 新题型)【多模块常考】 

13. explore [ɪkˈsplɔː (r)] v.探索;探测;探险 




【派生】exploration n.探测;探究;踏勘 explorer n.探险家;勘探者;探测器 

【易混】explode v.爆炸,爆发;激增 exploit v.开发,开拓;剥削;开采 

【例】The boy is convinced that if he reads enough, he can explore as many career paths as he likes. 这个男孩确信,如果他读的书足够多,他就能够探索尽可能多的职业道路。(2018, 英二翻译)【多模块常考】 

14. justify [ˈdʒʌstɪfaɪ] v.证明合法;整理版面【词根】just=right 

【后缀】-ify 动词后缀:使成……或……化 


【同源】just a.公正的,合理的;正直的,正义的 justified a.有正当理由的;合乎情理的 justification n.正当理由 justice n.司法,法律制裁;正义;法官,审判员 

【例】Doctors have used that principle in recent years to justify using high doses of morphine to control terminally ill patients’ pain. 近年来,医生们用这一原理证明了使用大剂量吗啡来控制临终病人疼痛的合理性。(2002, Text 4)【阅读常考】 

15. assess [əˈses] v.评估;估算  

【词根】sess=to sit 



【近】estimate, evaluate 

【派生】assessment n.评估;估算 assessable a.可评价的 possess v.拥有 

【易混】access v.获得;接近 n.通道;机会,权力 

【例】Such standardized tests may not assess all the important elements necessary to succeed in school and in life. 这样的标准化测试或许并不能评估出在学业和生活中取得成功所必需的所有重要因素。(2007, Text 2)【阅读常考】 

16. desire [dɪˈzaɪə] n.欲望;要求,心愿 v.想要;要求;希望得到  

【近】want, expect, be eager for, long for, aspire 

【派生】desirable a.可取的,值得拥有的,令人向往的 undesirable a.不良的;不受欢迎的;不合需要的 

【搭】have a desire for sth.渴求…… 

【例】Parents need to remind their children that their needs and desires may change over time. 父母需要提醒孩子,他们的需求和愿望也许会随着时间而改变。(2019, 英二新题型)


17. enhance [ɪnˈhɑːns] v.提高;加强;增加 

【近】magnify, improve, intensify, promote 


【派生】enhancer n.强化剂;增加者 enhancement n.增加;放大 

【例】The purchasing power would be enhanced. 人们的购买力将会增强。(2004, Text 3)


18. celebrity [siˈlebriti] n.名人;名声 

【后缀】-ity 名词后缀 


【近】notable, fame 

【易混】celebrate v.庆祝;举行;赞美;祝贺 

【例】Celebrity moms have influenced our attitude towards child rearing. 明星妈妈们已经影响了我们对育儿的态度。(2011, Text 4)【阅读常考】 

19. emphasize [ˈemfəsaɪz] v.强调;重视;使突出 


【前缀】em- 动词前缀:表驱使 

【后缀】-ize 动词后缀 

【近】highlight, stress  

【派生】emphasis n.重点;强调;加强语气 

【例】Although both Sapir and Whorf emphasized the diversity of languages, Sapir himself never explicitly supported the notion of linguistic determinism. 虽然 Sapir 和 Whorf 都强调语言的多样性,但Sapir 本人从未明确支持语言决定论的概念。(2004, 翻译)【多模块常考】 

20. generate [ˈdʒenəreɪt] v.使形成;发生 


【后缀】-ate 动词后缀“使” 


【派生】generation n.一代;产生;一代人 generative a.生殖的;生产的;有生殖力的;有生产力的 

【例】Allen believed that the unconscious mind generates as much action as the conscious mind. 艾伦认为,潜意识和显意识产生的作用一样大。(2011, 翻译)【完形、阅读常考】 

21. commit [kəˈmɪt] v.犯罪;把……交托给;使……承担义务;忠于;承诺 



【派生】commitment n.承诺,保证;委托;承担义务;献身 commission n.委员会;佣金;服务费;犯;委任;委任状 commissioner n.理事;委员;行政长官;总裁 

【例】Children from wealthy homes also commit crimes. 富裕家庭的孩子也会犯罪。(2004, 完形填空)【完形常考】 

22. eliminate [ɪˈlɪmɪneɪt] v.排除;清除 



【例】If the district finds homework to be unimportant to its students’ academic achievement, it should move to reduce or eliminate the assignments, not make them count for almost nothing. 如果学区发现家庭作业对学生的学业成绩不重要,就应该减少或取消家庭作业,而不是让家庭作业几乎一文不值。(2012, 英二 Text 1)【阅读常考】 

23. implication [ˌɪmplɪˈkeɪʃn] n.含意;暗指;可能的影响(或作用、结果) 



【后缀】-ion 名词后缀 

【同源】implicate v.使卷入;涉及;暗指;影响 implicit a.含蓄的;暗示的;盲从的 

【易混】implement v.实施,执行;实现,使生效 n.工具,器具;手段 

【例】In the ever-changing 21st century, even the word “habit” carries a negative implication. 

在瞬息万变的 21 世纪,甚至“习惯”这个词也带有负面含义。(2009, Text 1)【阅读常考】  

24. inevitable [ɪnˈevɪtəbl] a.必然的,不可避免的 


【后缀】-able 形容词后缀 

【近】unavoidable, inescapable 

【派生】inevitably ad.不可避免地;必然地  inevitability n.不可避免;必然性 

【例】While aging is inevitable, scientists are finding out that certain changes in brain function may not be. 虽然衰老是不可避免的,但科学家们逐步发现,大脑功能的某些变化可能并非如此。(2021, 完形)【多模块常考】 

25. observe [əbˈzɜːv] v.庆祝;遵守;观察到;注意到;评论 


【前缀】ob- 表正对着、在对面 


【派生】observer n.观察者;观测者;目击者 observation n.观察;监视;观察报告 

【例】Weighing every other week allows me to observe and account for any significant weight changes. 每隔一周称重一次,我就可以观察并解释体重的任何显著变化。(2019, 英二完形)【多模块常考】 

26. oppose [əˈpəʊz] v.反对;对抗,抗争 



【近】object to 

【反】agree, consent, approve, support 

【派生】opposite a.相反的;对面的;对立的 opposition n.反对;反对派;在野党;敌对 

【例】Labour likewise wants to discontinue local planning where councils oppose development. 工党同样希望停止地方议会反对发展的规划。(2016, Text 2)【阅读常考】 

27. perceive [pəˈsiːv] v.察觉,感觉;理解;认知 


【前缀】per 完全 

【近】notice, realize 

【派生】perception n.认识能力;知觉,感觉;洞察力;看法 perceptive a.感觉的;知觉的;理解力强的;有洞察力的 

【例】This insight, so profound in its simplicity, opened up an entirely new way of perceiving and understanding human life. 这种简单而深刻的见解,为我们认识和理解人类生活开辟了一种全新的方式。(2003, 翻译)【多模块常考】 

28. reputation [ˌrepjuˈteɪʃn] n.名声,名誉;声望 



【后缀】-ion 名词后缀 

【近】fame, prestige 


【同源】reputable a.声誉好的  

【搭】have a reputation for sth. 有……的名声 

【例】Indeed, if he has a reputation for slacking, you might even be outraged. 的确,如果他因偷懒而名声在外,你甚至可能会感到愤怒。(2005, Text 1)【阅读常考】 

29. sustain [səˈsteɪn] v.维持;支撑,承担;忍受 

【词根】tain=to hold 


【近】maintain, tolerate 

【派生】sustainable a.可以忍受的;足可支撑的;养得起的 sustainability n.持续性;永续性 

【例】Many consumers seem to have been influenced by stock-market swings, which investors now view as a necessary ingredient to a sustained boom. 许多消费者似乎受到股市波动的影响,但投资者现在认为股市波动是持续繁荣的必要因素。(2004, Text 3)【多模块常考】 

30. boost [buːst] n./v.提升,增强  

【近】lift, raise, enhance, elevate, increase 

【反】degrade, weaken, decrease 

【搭】boost one’s confidence 增强……的信心 

【例】This would boost incomes, encourage work, reward companies for job creation, and reduce inequality.这将提高收入,鼓励就业,使创造就业机会的公司有所回报,并减少不平等现

象。(2018, Text 1)【多模块常考】 

31. excessive [ɪkˈsesɪv] a.过度的,过分的  



【后缀】-ive 形容词后缀 


【反】inadequate, insufficient, deficient 

【同源】excess n.过度,过分 exceed v.超过 exceedingly ad.极其 excessively ad.过分地 

【例】One is the excessive costs of a legal education. 其一是法律教育过高的费用。(2014, 

Text 2)【多模块常考】 

32. impose [ɪmˈpəʊz] v.利用;欺骗;施加影响;强加;征税 



【近】force, exert, levy  

【搭】impose on 利用;施加影响于  

【例】Financial regulators in Britain have imposed a rather unusual rule on the bosses of big banks. 英国的金融监管机构对大银行的管理层强加了一条非同寻常的规则。(2019, Text 


33. property [ˈprɒpəti] n.性质,性能;财产;所有权 


【后缀】-ty 名词后缀 

【近】possession, belongings 

【易混】prosperity n.繁荣,成功 

【例】Each spouse retains whatever property he or she bought into the marriage, and jointlyacquired property is divided equally. 夫妻双方保留各自在婚姻中购买的任何财产,平均分配共同财产。(2016,完形) 【多模块常考】 

34. hostility [hɒˈstɪləti] n.敌意;战争行动【词根】host=guest 

【后缀】-ile 易……的 -ty 名词后缀 


【同源】hostile a.敌对的,敌方的;怀敌意的 

【易混】hospitality n.好客;殷勤 

【例】All around the world, lawyers generate more hostility than the members of any other profession—with the possible exception of journalism. 在世界各地,除新闻行业外,律师引起的敌意比其他任何职业人引起的敌意都要多。(2014, Text 2)【阅读常考】 

35. integrate [ˈɪntɪɡreɪt] v.使……成整体 a.整合的 


【后缀】-ate 动词后缀 



【同源】integrity n.正直;完整 integration n.集合;综合 disintegration n.分裂,分解;解体【易混】interpret v.解释;翻译 

【例】Many took on the duty of trying to integrate reasoning and scientific philosophies into the world. 许多人承担了试图将理性科学的哲学融入世界的责任。(2020, 翻译)【完形、新题型常考】 

36. literary [ˈlɪtərəri] a.文学的;书面的;精通文学的 


【后缀】-ary 形容词后缀 


【同源】literature n.文学;文献;文艺;著作 literally ad.照字面地;逐字地;不夸张地;正确地 literate a.受过教育的;精通文学的 n.学者 literacy n.读写能力;精通文学 

【例】Everything James Herriot achieved in life was earned the hard way and his success in the literary field was no exception. 吉米·哈利在生活中取得的一切都是来之不易的,他在文学领域的成功也不例外。(2019, 英二翻译)【阅读、翻译常考】 

37. monopoly [məˈnɒpəli] n.垄断;垄断者;专卖权 


【派生】monopolize v.垄断;独占 

【易混】monotonous a.单调的 

【例】Patents’ monopolies restrict access to genetic tests such as Myriad’s. 专利公司的垄断

限制了基因检测,如对 Myriad 公司基因检测的限制。(2012, 英二 Text 3)【阅读常考】 

38. substantial [səbˈstænʃl] a.大量的;实质的;内容充实的 

【词根】st=to stand 


【后缀】-ance……的性质或状态 -ial 形容词后缀 

【近】massive, extensive 

【同源】substance n.物质;实质;资产;主旨 substantiate v.证实;使实体化 

【易混】sustainable a.可以忍受的;足可支撑的;养得起的;可持续的 

【例】The Wall Street Journal finds that “a substantial part” of executive pay is now tied to performance. 《华尔街日报》在 CEO 薪酬情况的最新调查中发现,如今高管薪酬的“很大一部分”与绩效挂钩。(2019, Text 1)【阅读常考】 

39. widespread [ˈwaɪdspred] a.普遍的  

【近】common, prevalent, prevailing, extensive, universal 

【反】uncommon, scarce, rare 

【搭】widespread phenomenon 普遍的现象 

【例】The widespread availability of such recordings has thus brought about a crisis in the institution of the traditional classical concert. 这些录制品的广泛流传已使(听)传统古典音乐会这一习俗陷入了危机。(2011, Text 1)【阅读常考】 

40. acquisition [ækwɪˈzɪʃn] n.获得(物);并购 

【词根】quisit=to seek 


【后缀】-ion 名词后缀 


【同源】acquire v.获得 

【例】Other scientists perform the specialised work of peer review also for free, because it is a central element in the acquisition of status and the production of scientific knowledge. 其他科学家也会免费进行同行评审的专业性工作,因为这是获得地位和生产科学知识的核心要

素。(2020, Text 2)【阅读常考】 

41. compensation [ˌkɒmpenˈseɪʃn] n.补偿;报酬;赔偿金 



【后缀】-ation,-tion 名词后缀 

【同源】compensate v.补偿;赔偿 compensatory a.补偿的,赔偿的 

【例】But by the end of 2009, Ms. Simmons was under fire for having sat on Goldman’s compensation committee. 然而,到 2009 年底,西蒙斯女士却因任职于高盛薪酬委员会而遭到抨击。(2011, 英二 Text 1)【阅读常考】 

42. convention [kənˈvenʃn] n.大会;惯例;约定;习俗 

【词根】ven=vent=to come 


【后缀】-ion 名词后缀 


【派生】conventional a.符合习俗的,传统的;常见的;惯例的 

【易混】contention n.争论,争辩;争夺;论点 

【例】He freed music from hitherto prevailing conventions of harmony and structure. 他将音乐从迄今盛行的和声与结构的常规中解放出来。(2014, 翻译)【翻译、完形常考】 

43. cultivate [ˈkʌltɪveɪt] v.培养;陶冶;耕作 


【后缀】-ate 动词后缀 

【近】foster, rear 

【派生】cultivation n.培养;耕作;耕种;教化 

【例】They gave justices permanent positions so they would be free to upset those in power and have no need to cultivate political support.他们授予大法官终身职位,因此大法官就可以毫无顾忌地得罪当权者,也无需获得政治支持。(2012, 完形)【阅读常考】 

44. diverse [daɪˈvɜːs] a.各种各样的;不同的  



【近】various, different, distinct 

【反】uniform, identical, similar, monotonous 

【派生】diversity n.多样性;差异 

【易混】divert v.转移 

【例】People realized how diverse languages could be. 人们意识到语言可以是多么丰富多样。(2004, 翻译)【多模块常考】 

45. extend [ɪkˈstend] v.延伸;扩大;推广;伸出 



【近】expand, stretch, broaden 

【反】shrink, contract 

【同源】extent n.程度 extension n.扩大;延伸;延长 extensive a.广阔的;广泛的 

【搭】extend from…to…从……延伸到…… 

【例】Vermont case will offer a precedent-setting test of how far those powers extend. 佛蒙特州案件将提供一个检验(州政府的)这些权利究竟有多大的先例。(2012, Text 2)【多模块常考】 

46. faculty [ˈfæklti] n.科,系;教职员;能力 

【词根】fac=do, make 

【后缀】-ty 名词后缀 

【近】staff, personnel, department 

【易混】facility n.设施,设备 

【例】When the new staff are predominantly young men and women fresh from postgraduate study, they largely define the norms of academic life in that faculty.当新的员工大多是刚刚从研究生学院毕业的青年男女时,他们将在很大程度上界定该学院的学术生活规范。(2021, 翻译)【多模块常考】 

47. flexibility [ˌfleksəˈbɪləti] n.灵活性;弹性 

【词根】flex=to bend 

【后缀】-ible 形容词后缀;-ity 名词后缀 

【同源】flexible a.灵活的;有弹性的 flexibly ad.弹性地;灵活地 inflexible a.顽固的;不可弯曲的;不屈挠的 

【易混】feasibility n.可行性;可能性 

【例】While their parents were content to work long hours, young people value flexibility. 虽然他们的父母满足于长时间工作,但年轻人更看重灵活性。(2017, 英二新题型)【阅读常考】 

48. incentive [ɪnˈsentɪv] n.动机;刺激 

【后缀】-ive 名词后缀 

【近】stimulus, motive 


【易混】intensive a.加强的;集中的 

【例】Firms who want to keep their outside directors through tough times may have to create incentives. 那些想要在困难时期留住外部董事的公司可能需要制定激励措施。(2011, 英二 Text 1)【阅读常考】 

49. peculiar [pɪˈkjuːliə(r)] a.特殊的;独特的;奇怪的;罕见的 n.特权;特有财产 

【近】strange, bizarre, odd, weird, particular 


【派生】peculiarity n.特性;特质;怪癖;奇特 

【例】Each of these manifestations of growth carried its own peculiar problems in its wake.每一种增长的表现都伴随着其特有的问题。(2021, 翻译)【完形、翻译常考】 

50. routine [ruːˈtiːn] n.常规,惯例;生活乏味;一套动作 a.常规的,例行的;乏味的 


【派生】routinely ad.例行公事地;老一套地 

【例】We reach for them mindlessly, setting our brains on auto-pilot and relaxing into the unconscious comfort of familiar routine. 我们无意间养成习惯,让我们的大脑处于自动驾驶状态,放松地进入一种熟悉的惯性带来的无意识的舒适之中。(2009, Text 1)【阅读常考】 

51. speculate [ˈspekjuleɪt] v.推测;投机;思索 

【词根】spec=look, see 

【后缀】-ate 动词后缀 


【派生】speculative a.投机的;推测的;思索性的 

【例】People have speculated for centuries about a future without work. 几个世纪以来,人们一直猜测未来将没有工作。(2017, 英二完形)【多模块常考】 

52. sufficient [səˈfɪʃnt] a.足够的 

【词根】fic=do, make 


【后缀】-ent 形容词后缀 

【近】enough, adequate, abundant, substantial 

【反】lacking, insufficient, inadequate 

【派生】sufficiently ad.充分地 insufficient a.不足的 sufficiency n.充裕 self-sufficiency n.自给自足  

【例】What makes the problem thornier is that the usual time-management techniques don’t seem sufficient. 让这一问题更为棘手的是,通常的时间管理技巧似乎并不足以解决这个问题。

(2016, 英二 Text 3)【阅读常考】 

53. apparently [əˈpærəntli] ad.显然地;似乎,表面上 


【前缀】ap- 向 

【后缀】-ent 形容词后缀;-ly 副词后缀 

【近】obviously, evidently, transparently 


【例】For the rest of the decade Ruth Simmons apparently managed both roles without attracting much criticism. 在这十年余下的时间里,露丝·西蒙斯显然在没有招致太多批评的情况下兼顾了这两个角色。(2011, 英二 Text 1)【完形、阅读常考】 

54. approve [əˈpruːv] v.赞成;批准 

【词根】prov= to test, to try, to examine 


【近】agree, consent 

【反】disagree, disapprove, oppose, object 

【派生】approval n.赞同;批准 disapproval n.不赞同 

【搭】approve of sth.同意…… 

【例】Instead of each province having its own list of approved drugs, bureaucracy, procedures and limited bargaining power, all would pool resources, work with Ottawa, and create a national 

institution. 所有的省份都应该集中资源,同渥太华合作,成立一个全国性机构;而不是每个省都有各自的获批药品清单、管理机构、程序以及有限的议价能力。(2005, 新题型)【多模块常考】 

55. credible  [ˈkredəbl] a.可靠的,可信的  

【词根】cred=believe, trust 

【后缀】-ible 形容词后缀 

【近】believable, reliable, trustworthy 

【反】incredible, unbelievable 

【派生】incredible a.不能相信的,难以置信的;极好的 credibility n.可信性;确实性 

【例】A Canadian study found that children as young as 14 months can differentiate between a credible person and a dishonest one. 一项加拿大研究表明,即使 14 个月的小孩也能分辨出可信的人与不诚实的人。(2018, 完形)【多模块常考】 

56. dominate [ˈdɒmɪneɪt] v.控制;支配;占优势 


【后缀】-ate 动词后缀 

【近】control, predominate 

【派生】dominant a.显性的;占优势的;支配的,统治的 dominance n.优势;统治;支配 

【例】Facebook and Google, the two virtual giants, dominate digital advertising to the disadvantage of all other media and entertainment companies. “脸书”和谷歌这两家虚拟巨头在数字广告领域占据主导地位,令其他所有媒体和娱乐公司都处于劣势。(2018, 英二

Text 3)【阅读常考】 

57. entertaining [ˌentəˈteɪnɪŋ] a.令人愉快的 

【词根】tain=to hold 


【后缀】-ing 形容词后缀 


【派生】entertainment n.娱乐;消遣;款待 entertainer n.演艺人员,表演者 

【例】Applications like tumblr.com have the potential to add stickiness by amusing, entertaining and enlightening others. 这些应用有望通过其趣味性、娱乐性和启发性来增加客户粘性。(2012, 新题型)【阅读常考】 

58. formulate [ˈfɔːmjuleɪt] v.规划;用公式表示;明确地表达 


【后缀】-ate 动词后缀 

【同源】formulation n.制订,规划;(想法或理论的)系统阐述;表达方式;制剂,配方 formula n.公式,准则;配方;婴儿食品 

【例】Next time you state your position, formulate an argument for what you claim and honestly ask yourself whether your argument is any good. 下次当你陈述你的立场时,为你的主张制定一个论点,并诚实地问自己你的论点好不好。(2019, 新题型)【翻译、新题型常考】 

59. inherent [ɪnˈherənt] a.固有的;内在的;与生俱来的,遗传的 



【后缀】-ent 形容词后缀  

【近】natural, instinctive, internal   

【同源】inherit v.继承;遗传而得;成为继承人 inherently ad.内在地;固有地;天性地  

【易混】adherent a.粘着的;遵守的 coherent a.连贯的,一致的;明了的;清晰的 

【例】If  you’re not convinced of the inherent value in taking a year off to explore interests, then consider its financial impact on future academic choices. 如果你不相信休学一年来探索兴趣的内在价值,那么考虑一下它对未来学业选择的经济影响。(2017, 英二 Text 3)


60. passionate [ˈpæʃənət] a.热情的;热烈的,激昂的;易怒的 

【词根】pass=to feel or suffer 

【后缀】-ion 名词后缀;-ate 形容词后缀 



【同源】passion n.激情;热情;酷爱;盛怒 

【易混】passive a.被动的,消极的 compassionate a.慈悲的;富于同情心的 v.同情;怜悯 

【例】If that happens, passionate consumers would try to persuade others to boycott products, putting the reputation of the target company at risk. 如果发生那种情况,热情的消费者们会试图劝说其他人一起抵制产品,从而使目标公司的声誉面临风险。(2011, Text 3)【阅读常考】